How to Stay On Track in 2020

How to Stay On Track in 2020

In the post 5 Questions You Should Answer Before 2020, I addressed the concept of being intentional. Now, that 2020 is here, we have to honor that energy by staying on track.

Staying on track is not an easy thing to do. It requires a different version of us. The version that makes sacrifices instead of excuses. The version that executes more and says less.

The past 3 years have thrown me off track a little. Between returning back to the United States and having a child, I have been on a quest trying to adjust to my new life. One thing I realized was that I had to let my old habits die.

Who I was becoming required a totally different version of myself. This version of me is a collection of trial and error lessons. Through these lessons, I have learned to stay on track even when I had every excuse to completely quit.

If you struggle with staying on track, here are the things you must do in 2020.

Do First Things First.

Our goals are always on our minds pressuring us to do what’s necessary to achieve them. However, we often get distracted by other things that we have to or want to do.

If you want to stay on track you have to do first things first. Meaning you have to do the actions that will push you closer to your goals when you first think about them. Yes, situations will come up that require your attention but you will need to set aside time to address those.

If you don’t set aside time to address other things that need your attention, you will become occupied by “busy work”. Busy work is work that gives you the sensation of accomplishing something but doesn’t accomplish anything that drastically changes your life.

For instance, instead of starting on writing your book, you become busy with organizing the garage. Now the garage is nice and neat but your goal to write a book still needs attention.

Don’t get in the habit of letting busy work replace work that needs to be done for your goal. Do the things necessary to accomplish your goals first.

Not sure what to do first? Don’t worry. Click here!

Master the Mindset. Then, Distribute Your Paycheck.

Often times, we purchase things with the idea that the motivation and hard work comes with them. Without knowing that motivation and hard work are sold separately. I am guilty of buying products/plans that I thought would kick-start my motivation toward accomplishing my goals. When in reality, all I did was waste money.

To stay on track, you have to master the mindset before you distribute your paycheck. If you want to lose weight, exercise. However, don’t immediately run to the gym and buy a membership, when you haven’t committed yourself to the mindset to follow through.

Have you figured out when you will have time to workout? Have you started trying some workouts around the house? Have you tried anything free like running or walking outside? Are you ready to put in the effort?

The moral is if you haven’t mastered the mindset of commitment, your chances of being sidetracked by purchases are higher.

Spending money will not buy energy, focus, action, or commitment. Those are characteristics that are created in the mind.

*Please don’t confuse this tip with the idea that you shouldn’t make moves or buy things until you are ready. The truth is you may not be ready. No one is ever ready to disrupt their comfort zones. However, know that you being ready is not something you purchase. You being ready is in your mind and the energy to commit is always free.

Attach Everything to Do-Dates and Deadlines.

When you know what you want to do, either do it now or set a date to start. Once you start, be sure to set a deadline for when you want to finish or check your process.

Too often people want to do things but if they don’t do them immediately, they usually never start. This is why setting do-dates and deadlines are important.

You need dates that are going to help you kick-start your actions. If you want to start a YouTube channel, wishing it into existence will never work. You have to pick a start date, then go after it.

If it is something that you plan to continue doing, instead of setting a deadline after the do-date, set regular times to check your progress toward your goal.

Whatever you do, don’t sit around and wait for things to do themselves. Results are not going to magically appear in your life. You have to set do-dates and deadlines to ensure that you get the results you want.

Stop going “Cold Turkey”

Take baby steps toward your goals. The idea that we can stop every counterproductive habit immediately to receive results is toxic. Just because you decide that you want to become a vegetarian, doesn’t mean that you automatically stop eating meat. You have to slowly give up the things that you are accustomed to having.

If your goal is to be a vegetarian, your first baby step could be giving up red meat. You could also reduce your intake of meat throughout the week. However, deciding that you want to stop eating meat altogether is doable for some. Yet, for the average person, this is how you run the risk of reverting back to old habits.

When you go cold turkey, anything can offset your desire to go back to your old ways. Missing two days from your exercise routine could cause you to stop working out altogether. Not having a healthy meal prepared could cause you to buy fast food. Writer’s block could cause you to put down your book draft for a week.

That’s why going cold turkey is toxic because we hold ourselves to merciless standards. Then, when we backslide we feel defeated. To combat this conflict, give yourself some grace. Take baby steps to accomplish your goals. And when you fall short of your new routine, don’t panic. Simply acknowledge that you have reverted back to old habits. Then, keep going. Keep giving it your all until you see the results you want to see.

Try these too! 7 Things You Need to Stop Today

Know that Nothing Substitutes Action.

Either you do or you do. In-betweens do not exist. People confuse so many things with action. They confuse planning with action. Research with action. Even thoughts with action. Although those things will bring you clarity and structure, they don’t put things into motion.

Previously at my 30th vision board party, I spent most of the time cutting the letters for the main saying “All About That Action”. Needless to say, I never finished my vision board. After taking it home, all I did was stare at it and think ‘I need to finish this’. Yet, I also thought about that stuff I needed to do for my blog.

Each time I had these thoughts, I ended up doing something for my blog. Which still left me with the same unfinished vision board. However, I began to see the design differently. Every time I saw it, I was reminded that the empty space symbolized me being active elsewhere.

Similar to my vision board, there are thing that you could be doing that will give you the sensation of action. Yet, the way to truly manifest your vision is to act. Don’t try to substitute action for anything except action.

Don’t Listen to Everything You Tell Yourself.

The moment you start acting on your goals you will feel great. This is the feeling you get when you are finally on the path toward achieving your goals. This feeling is completely different from the one you get when you run into obstacles.

When you encounter obstacles, you may begin to feel doubtful. You may even start to ask yourself if what you are doing is really for you. Am I really good at this? Do I really have what it takes?

These are normal thoughts but where people go wrong is by believing them. These thoughts are there to challenge your ability to keep going. Remember to ignore thoughts if you start to believe in them to the point that you want to quit.

Also, you can evaluate those thoughts and make a plan to seek help or apply techniques to overcome them. You can get a mentor as well. You could even incorporate affirmations into your daily schedule to stay on track.

Whatever you do, don’t listen to everything you tell yourself. Our minds play tricks on us all the time. Listen to the positivity, while ignoring the deception.

Ultimately, staying on track is a process. However, when you do first things first, you increase your chances of staying on track. Remember to commit to the process before you start purchasing anything. Follow-up with assigning your actions to do-dates and deadlines. As you are working, try to take baby steps instead of cold turkey actions. Regardless of the actions you take, know that there is no substitute for action. Most importantly, don’t listen to everything you tell yourself.

Do you have any other suggestions for staying on track in 2020?

Comment below. 

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