Say Less: How to Execute What You Talk About

Say Less: How to Execute What You Talk About

In the blog post, 5 Questions You Should Answer Before 2020, I discussed the importance of being intentional about how we want our upcoming year to look. Being intentional means that we will talk less and do more in 2020. Essentially, we will execute more and say less. 

Before I started my blog, I’m sure I annoyed many of my friends and family members by rambling about starting it. I rambled so much that years had passed and I still had not started a blog. 

However, one day I decided that I had said all that I could say. I had gathered enough information to start the blog I kept blabbing about. The only thing I had left to do was to start. I began to take actionable steps. Purchasing what I needed. Writing posts. Designing my website. Simply refusing to talk as much as I used to, and redirecting that energy toward doing the work.

Needless to say, those intentional efforts created the Quest of Her. Today, I still talk about a lot of things that I want to do for my blog. Yet, instead of just talking, I now execute those things. 

The power of saying less and doing more can help you as well. You just got to know what to talk about and what to be about. Here are some ways that you can begin to execute what you talk about. 

Say Less.

Realize that you have said all that you can say. It’s time that you start doing. If you want to start a business, start it. If you want to write a book, write it. If you want to lose weight, work out and diet. I know all of this may be easier said than done. However, being done is better than being said. As the adage goes, talk is cheap. 

Don’t get me wrong, you may need to talk over your ideas for feedback or to gain some clarity. But some conversations are pointless. 

For instance, if you are talking about your goals to give people the impression that you are working on them but you’re not…that’s pointless. If you are talking about your goals just to make it seem like you got something good going on compared to the next person…that’s pointless. Even if you are discussing your goals for attention, that’s pointless as well. 

Get into a habit of only talking about your goals when you are helping others, or helping yourself get things done. Any other conversations are irrelevant and a waste of your time. 

Focus. Learn. Implement. 

Often we feel as if we cannot achieve a goal if we do not research and gather all the information to do it successfully. So, we spent countless hours and money on books, coaches, and courses. When we finally get all the information we need, we end up having information overload. This leads to inaction sometimes because now we are so loaded with information that we have no clue where to start. 

When I was researching how to start my blog, I gathered everything I needed and more. To the point where I felt overwhelmed. Then, I needed to research the motivation to start again. Just to become motivated to start researching again and needing motivation again. It was a frustrating cycle that cost me time and results. 

Once I realized I was in a gathering research loop, I made myself a promise. I promised myself that I would focus on one concept to learn. Then, once I learned that concept, I would follow-up by implementing it before researching something else. 

This is a promise that you must make to yourself as well. When you began to learn then implement the knowledge before starting another task, you will notice that you are getting things done. You will start to see that you are not just storing information in your mind or onto Pinterest boards. But that you are bringing your goals to life. 

Connect with People Who’ve ‘Been There. Done That.’

Sway and I at the airport in New Orleans, after Essence Festival 2019.

The more I talk to people who don’t understand my blogging goals, I understand exactly why rapper, Kanye West, exploded on radio host, Sway, on the Sway in the Morning show. If you do not know what I am talking about, let me enlighten you.

In 2013, Kanye West visited Sway in the Morning show to be interviewed by Sway. At some point during the interview, Sway and Kanye began to discuss Kanye’s business ventures in the fashion industry. Kanye spoke about how he needed certain people in the fashion industry to support his ideas so that he could be successful. This prompted Sway to ask Kanye why he couldn’t just use his own money and knowledge to support his vision. That question immediately frustrated Kanye, causing him to exclaim the popular phrase, “How Sway?” 

Although there is more to that interview, this is exactly how I feel when I’m explaining my goals to people who don’t get it. How Sway? How can you understand my frustrations with a process that you have never done before?

After so many debates and “How Sway?” responses, I realized that I needed to connect with people who understood my point-of-view.

When you are trying to execute your goals, not everyone will understand your vision. So, you must connect with people who have been in your shoes, and who have done what you are trying to do. People who have been there and done that can help you through your struggles. They can provide you with advice and resources that only someone who has been in your shoes can give. Ultimately, saving you from frustrating rants, and helping you execute your goals.

Turn Your Excuses Into Triggers to Work

If executing your goals were easy, everybody would be doing it. That’s exactly why so many people are not. Which leads to a lot of excuses. When we make excuses for why we can’t accomplish our goals, we set ourselves up to fail. Even when we have valid excuses. 

The problem with excuses is that they don’t produce results. It may feel good to complain about why you can’t do this or that, but after your rant, you’re still left without results. Why bother?

What has helped me is turning my excuses into triggers. For instance, tiredness is usually a trigger that signals that you should go to sleep. Instead of taking a rest when I’m tired, I do any work that I can first. Then, I let sleep be my reward for the effort I put toward my goal. 

This is how you establish discipline. I’d be lying if I said you will always feel like working on your goals. If you are making a drastic change like losing weight or starting a business, you probably won’t feel like doing what it takes most of the time. That’s why you must assign your triggers to work tasks. You’ll start to notice that getting things done is a part of who you are. No matter how you feel or what happens in your life. This is the factor that sets the doers and the dreamers apart. 

Ultimately, you were born to execute. However, executing your goals is not easy but it’s doable. Start by saying less and doing more. Remember to focus on one concept. Then, implement the information you learn before starting something else. Be sure to connect with people who’ve been through what you are trying to do. Lastly, don’t forget to use your excuses as triggers to work on your goals.

How do you execute what you talk about? Comment below. 


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