Yes, You Can Identify Your Purpose! Here’s How

Yes, You Can Identify Your Purpose! Here’s How

Everyone has a purpose. Purpose is not an elite gift that belongs to a few. Instead, it is something that is deep inside all of us. Yet, not so deep that it’s impossible to identify. 

Before I identified the purpose of my blog, I was confused and desperate. I bought a domain name I didn’t love. I even designed my site in a way I didn’t like. I was not feeling the actions I was moving forward with. My lack of motivation stemmed from the fact that I wasn’t fulfilling my vision according to my purpose. 

So, I took a break. Then, Boom! It’s like the purpose of my blog just popped into my head. I changed the domain name to Quest of Her. I even designed the site with ease. 

Quest of Her seemed as if it started to come together. That’s when I knew that purpose had energizing powers. 

I know what you may be thinking, “Yeah, good for you?” You might even be questioning yourself. “But can I find my purpose?” The answer is: Yes, you can identify your purpose. Here’s How:

Believe You Have a Purpose. 

You have to believe that you have a purpose. Too many people think that purpose is something that is gifted to a chosen few. Believe it or not, we all have a purpose. To identify that purpose, we must first believe that we are worthy of one. 

When you believe that you have a purpose, you begin to open yourself up to possibilities and opportunities. These options can reveal to you what you are meant to do. However, if you don’t believe that you have a purpose, you won’t recognize the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you. 

So, start believing that you have a purpose. Then, you’ll start to see ideas all around you. 

Disconnect From Distractions.

As of 2019, there are way too many distractions. We have cell phones with constant text messages, calls, and email/calendar alerts. Not to mention that every application that we download asks us for permission to send us more notifications. 

Outside of cell phones, we have televisions that are taking the rest of our spare time. While we are busy binge-watching shows our subconscious minds are being programmed by millions of marketing campaigns. 

That’s why it’s important that you take breaks from distractions. Breaks allow you to connect with your inner self. This will enable you to focus on what comes naturally to you. 

When you do disconnect, think of these questions:

How do you feel when you are not distracted? Where does your attention flow when it is not being occupied? What do you think about when you just relax?

Your answers to these and other self-awareness questions will likely reveal to you your purpose. 

Need more self-awareness questions? Click Here!

 Stop Being Secretive About Your Ideas.

Are you keeping your ideas to yourself because you are afraid someone will act on them first? If so, stop it. Your ideas may be unique but you will need to talk to someone about them to give them life. 

Some people are certain that their ideas are the next best thing. So, they keep their ideas to themselves as an attempt to stop the next person from acting before them. The difference between another person and you is that only you can bring your ideas to life. If your ideas are rooted in your purpose, then the next person will literally have to be you to manifest your destiny. 

The beauty of your purpose is that it can only be executed properly by you. And if you are worried about someone stealing it from you, you are wasting your time on fear. So, talk about your ideas with people you trust. 

*I’m not telling you to give away your secret sauce or special formula. However, I am telling you to talk about your ideas in a way that gives them light. Allow people to give you feedback and praise for the things you have come up with. In doing so, your purpose may jump out to you.

Act on All of Your Ideas. 

Passionate about multiple things? Okay. Start with one, then work on the others when the time comes. Don’t allow yourself to become confused by multiple ideas. Confusion may force you into inaction. 

You can’t identify your purpose if you don’t act.  Don’t feel the need to wait until every idea that you have is clear. Just start with one idea at a time.

This is how you determine what is right for you. Not every passion you entertain will be rooted in your purpose. However, remaining action-oriented may expose you to your purpose. 

Ready to become action-oriented? Click Here!

Study the Activities You get Lost in. 

Your purpose may lie in activities that you don’t realize you are drawn to. For instance, have you ever been so intrigued by doing an activity that you didn’t realize hours had passed by? 

Not only did you not care that those hours passed, but you happily continued working? This may be a sign that you were doing an activity connected to your purpose.

Our purpose is usually rooted in activities that we don’t realize are using our time. If you can lose yourself in painting beautiful pictures, chances are your purpose might be painting. Remember, where your time goes, your purpose unfolds.

So pay close attention to the activities that you don’t mind wasting time on. Study what it is about those activities that cause you to focus for long periods of time. Once you are able to identify why you spend so much time on certain activities, you might find your purpose. 

Expose Yourself to New People, Places & Things 

A common statement when we were kids was: “When I grow up I want to be a fill in the blank.” Whatever response we used was often silly, like being a dinosaur. Or other responses were something that we read in a book or perhaps the same things our parents were doing. 

As we grew older, we gained more exposure to new people, places and things that changed our responses. This exposure led us down new paths and to where we are currently. 

In 2019, ideas about your purpose are attached to new people, places, and things. Your job is to expose yourself to a variety of experiences so that you gain an understanding of the world. Through this understanding, your purpose may call out to you. 

Issues that you never knew existed may encourage you to create solutions the world needs. New places may cause you to work on ideas that spark life-changing innovations. Yet, even more possibilities exist once you expose yourself to new people

Just think of new people, places and things as more opportunities to identify what you were born to do. 

Ultimately, you have to believe that you have a purpose if you want to truly find yours. Once you believe, you need to disconnect from distractions so that you can clearly see your purpose. Be sure to express your ideas to others, instead of keeping them secretive. Your purpose could be connected to others’ feedback. 

Also, act on all your ideas to bring you closer to your purpose. Study the activities you spend hours doing effortlessly. And remember to expose yourself to new people, places, and things if you want to get new ideas about what your purpose could be.

What advice do you have that could help someone identify their purpose?

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