5 Self-Sabotaging Mindsets You Should Change

We can be our own worst enemies by clinging to self-sabotaging mindsets. Ultimately stopping us from achieving our goals or experiencing any growth. 

I used to be a person that subscribed to several self-sabotaging mindsets. Ones I had learned and other mindsets that I had created. While some self-sabotaging mindsets rose from societal pressures. 

Many of those mindsets cost me time, freedom, opportunities and peace of mind. Essentially making me cower at times when I should have been daring to be brave. Worrying when I should have been taking action. Counting myself out, when I should have been banking on my energy and abilities. 

Fortunately, the day came when I realized that I had the keys to my mental prison cell. I was busy locking myself into negative mindsets that I didn’t realize that I was hiding the key. Then, complaining that I needed to be set free. When in fact, I was the only one that could free myself from my problems. 

I, like many others, have the keys to unlock my problems. However, first, we must get rid of all the self-sabotaging mindsets that are forcing us to remain loyal to our issues. These are the 5 self-sabotaging mindsets that you should consider cutting off:

Worrying About Perfection

Your desire to be perfect is a good sign that you are capable of achieving whatever you are trying to do. Yet, the self-sabotaging mindset attached to perfection is feeling as if you can’t act before your efforts are perfect. 

There is no such thing as perfect.

You have to be willing to make moves and changes as you work. That’s the only way you will get anything accomplished. 

When you have a perfection mindset, you trick yourself into believing that you are already great. Which in turn hinders your growth. 

Think about it like this… if you are already perfect, why put in the effort to be better? This is exactly why perfectionists are irritated by people who are producing flawed efforts in their field. 

While you were busy trying to be perfect, someone else was focused on starting and growth. Don’t hate them for taking action. Drop the dedication to perfection and join the doers.

Focus your mind on growth, instead of perfection.  

Let’s turn that worrying into actions. CLICK HERE!

One Way or No Way

The “One Way or No Way” mindset is the killer of several goals, routines, and achievements. This mindset kicks in when you set out to do something one way but quit when it doesn’t go according to your plan. 

For instance, when your goal is to work out at least 3 times a week, but you miss a day and feel like the routine is completely ruined. This is due to the “One Way or No Way” mindset. 

The best way to combat this mindset is to know that there is more than one way to do things. Just because you missed one day or several days in your routine, doesn’t mean it’s over. Nor does it give you a pass to go back to your old ways. 

Remain on the path toward your goals at all costs. 

Yes, you will encounter some setbacks and unexpected mishaps. However, this does not permit you to throw away all of your efforts. 

Recognize your mistakes, and readjust your approach. Don’t give up because things aren’t going the way you planned. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

Pick up where you left off and keep going. 

I Don’t Have Enough Time

For many of us, it easier to subscribe to the mindset that we don’t have time. When in reality, we have the same amount of time in a day as everyone else. 

Although your time constraints may be different, how you decide to use your time is a choice.

If you are choosing to binge-watch shows for hours throughout the day. Then when it comes to a 30-minute workout, you just don’t have the time. 

The truth is, you had the time but you chose to spend it another way. Which is fine.

However, don’t tell yourself that you don’t have time for things that matter to you. Instead, say that you didn’t prioritize the time. 

Shift the mindset from not having time, to “where is my time going?”. Once you know where your time is going, you know what is wasting your time, and where you need to direct your time. 

Prioritize the things that matter. So much so, that you don’t have time for things that don’t matter to you. 

Need to Stop Wasting Time? CLICK HERE!

Procrastination = My Best Work

Extreme procrastinators love to say, “Procrastination helps me produce my best work.” or “I can do it later. I have time.” 

However, the world is constantly changing. You don’t have as much time as you think. In addition to the fact that procrastination can put you in unexpected situations. 

Say, for instance, you have two weeks to complete a project before the deadline. Then, you decide that you want to start the project 5 days before its due. This is when you discover that you’re missing information, you need to do more research then you planned, or tasks are taking you longer than you expected. It’s impossible to produce your best work under these circumstances.

A better mindset to embrace is one that doesn’t put you under pressure. Change your mindset toward starting when necessary. 

Then, use the rest of the time you have to check, edit, and add an extra flair to the work you are doing. You have a better chance of producing your best work this way. While giving yourself a chance to respond proactively to any last-minute changes.  

Ready to Stop Lying to Yourself? THIS IS FOR YOU!

Obsessing Over Other People’s Expectations

People typically have high expectations for people that they care about. While others have outrageous expectations for other people because they want to live through them.

You may not look at it like this but I lot of people want to live through you. 

Relatives who have missed opportunities when they were younger, may want you to succeed in the areas they weren’t able to. While well-accomplished parents may want you to continue their legacy by picking up where they left off. Even strangers may be looking up to you to lead the way toward goals they want to achieve. 

The truth is we can drive ourselves crazy trying to process all of the expectations placed on us.

Our mindsets quickly become fixated on every move we need to make to fulfill those expectations. This can lead to stress, burnout, and fallouts with loved ones. Further creating drama that we didn’t anticipate. 

Make sure you are monitoring the expectations that you are placing on yourself; as well as the ones you are receiving from others. If you discover that those expectations are causing you mental, physical and emotional pain, it may be time to let them go. 

You can remain ambitious without driving yourself crazy. Embrace a mindset of peace and strategy. Not a mindset that is driven by other people’s expectations for your life. 


All in all, you have the keys to unlock your mindsets, so that you can transition your thinking. No need to fix your mind on perfection, when growth is more fulfilling.

Nor should you have a mindset structured around one way of doing things. Know that you can establish a mindset that helps you identify all the time you think you don’t have.

You could also use that same mindset to stop wasting your time with procrastination. All while maintaining a healthy mindset about the expectations you create for yourself, along with the ones other people impose on you.

Just know to develop these mindsets you need to get rid of all the self-sabotaging going on in your head. 

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What other self-sabotaging mindsets do people cling to? Comment below.

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