5 Steps Toward Remembering Who You Are

Oftentimes who we are becomes buried under years of experiences, inevitable changes, and our demanding responsibilities. We morph into who we need to be to handle situations as they arise. After so much molding, we may look up and not even recognize the person staring back at us in the mirror.

This person may have been aware of their surroundings. Even knowledgeable of what made them happy. Overall, a person who was in-tune with themselves.

Being out of touch with who we once were can cause a lot of pain and uncertainty in our lives. Forcing us to abandon our dreams, conform to unrealistic expectations, and to lose sight of our purpose.

It is our responsibility to remember who we are and what matters to us. To not let our lives spiral out of control in a way that we become someone that we are unfamiliar with. Here are steps to get yourself back on track toward remembering who you are:

Step 1: Identify What’s Missing

The feeling we get that something is missing is the first sign that we have lost touch with who we are. Who we are somehow turned into who we were. Leaving us confused.

But what is missing?

Do we no longer have time for the hobbies we once loved? Are we unable to enjoy peaceful moments to ourselves? Have our children given us the role of mommy, pushing us to forget about things that used to matter to us?

Fortunately, whatever has you out of touch with who you are is identifiable. Try asking yourself about the things that you miss. Identify things that used to make you happy. Remember who you were when you were enjoying the things you liked giving you attention to. Honing in on that will help you remember who you are.

Step 2: Evaluate How You Are Measuring Who You Are

Losing sight of who you are can sometimes be attributed to the standards you are using to measure yourself. How we measure who we are can be attached to our status, titles, beliefs, and so much more.

In many cases, we associate who we are with who we have become. Maybe over time, you have become a mother, a wife, a business owner, unemployed, stay-at-home mom, caretaker, or various other titles.

These titles may come with varying emotions, pride, disappoint, and a shift of identity.

Once you can identify how you are measuring yourself, you may be able to switch your thinking. A change in your thinking can help you recognize who you are.

Step 3: Kill All Distractions

Our minds are being bombarded with all kinds of distractions daily. From emails, texts messages, app notifications, errands, and nearly everything else. With constant distractions, who we are can be blurred as we try to focus on the chaos.

If you find yourself losing touch with who you are, it may be time to turn off all the distractions. Start sitting in silence by yourself. Pay attention to the things that come to you while you are not distracted.

When you are not distracted, clues may come to you that can help you remember who you are. This is a time to become aware of your feelings, thoughts, and plans.

Who were you? Who are you? Who are you becoming?

Step 4: Connect With Your Loved Ones

We are not the only people that understand and know who we are. The people that love us can help us remember who we are as well.

These are the people who have likely known you your entire life. Or maybe these people have been in your life for a couple of years. The time doesn’t matter. How they feel about you does.

People who care about you notice things about you that you don’t. They may notice if you have changed. These people can usually help you remember who you are by shedding light on how they see you.

Have a conversation with someone that you care about. Ask them questions about how they view you. Talk about your positive characteristics. Try to get them to tell you if anything about you has changed.

This conversation from a trusted source may help you remember who you are.

Step 5: Trust Your Judgement.

Remembering who you are is all about trusting yourself. Although you may get a lot of input from loved ones and signs from the world, who you are is ultimately up to you.

You are the only one who knows what you have been through and what’s missing. To remember who you are, you must trust your judgment. Trust that you are always in tune with your true self.

Believe it or not, you know what best for you. Sometimes, you may lose sight of who you are but that doesn’t mean that that person has completely left. Who you are is never too far away.

You have to trust that you have your best interest. That you can adapt to anything that life throws your way without losing yourself.


Losing sight of who we are is common. Especially when there are several changes and/or distractions occurring in your life.

However, by taking certain steps you can remember who you are.

The first step you would want to take is to identify what is missing from your life. Then, evaluate how you are measuring yourself.

Thirdly, dismiss all of the distractions going on around you. Then, connect with loved ones because they know who you are also.

Last but not least, trust your judgment because you can always bring yourself closer to who you are when you are feeling unsure and lost. Quest of Her Signature

What other steps can someone take to remember who they are?

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