10 Things to Do While Social Distancing

Social Distancing has forced everyone to fall back and reflect on what is important. As we decide how to handle this Coronavirus pandemic, we must try to do all we can to keep ourselves on track and sane. 

Many people might find themselves going crazy. As a lot of people are figuring out that they aren’t as introverted as they originally thought they were. With this new reality, we have to embrace the positive side and the opportunities that we can take advantage of. 

This is a perfect time to create the life that you always wanted. A life that is full of routines, consistency, and growth. 

Here is a list of some things you can try while practicing social distancing:

1. Finish What You Started in January.

Social Distancing Ideas

Between January and March, there has been a significant amount of changes and chaos. Due to the Coronavirus and all of the changes occurring at the moment, this is a good time to revisit the goals you set in January. Some of which you may have started but for some reason didn’t remain committed to. 

This is a great time to pick up where you left off. It’s not too late to workout, finish your business plan, or work on your half-finished painting. You have time now. Why not use it to do the things that mattered to you before now. 

Go ahead and finish what you started. 

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2. Start What You’ve Been Wanting to Start!

So you have a bunch of innovative ideas, right? Put those into action. Start what you have been waiting to start. Now is a perfect time to bet on yourself. Especially when it comes to business and anything that will sustain you and your family.

You have all the time to research, plan, organize, and set a date to launch your ideas. You can finally start writing that book that you think about all the time. You can start painting a room in your house. Not only can you start your ideas, but you can also finish them.   

3. Get Some Rest!

If you don’t do anything else, please get some rest. Now is the perfect time to catch up on some sleep. Social distancing deletes the temptation to sacrifice rest to participate in a fast-paced world. You now have no excuses when it comes to getting some rest. 

So if sleep is what you need, hop in the bed. If you need rest in general, take a break from some of your routines. Kick your feet up and take a deep breath. Try to relax. Do something to get your mind off of stressful situations. Take a bath. Do a puzzle. Practice breathing exercises. Or simply just lie around the house. 

Whatever you do get some rest. 

Take care of yourself with these tips!

4. Start/Reset Your Routines.

Routines are hard to stick to under normal circumstances for some people. Fortunately, social distancing gives you a chance to start or reset your routines. You can finally set a proper bedtime routine. Maybe even start a productive morning routine.

Another routine that may be beneficial during social distancing is meal prepping. Most people don’t usually cook. So, social distancing may be forcing people back into the routine of cooking. Creating a meal prep routine could ease the stress around not being able to get fast food. It could also eliminate stocking up on unnecessary groceries. 

5. Make Phone Calls.

Social Distancing Ideas

Texting may get a little redundant while practicing social distancing. This is the perfect time to get back in the routine of making phone calls. When was the last time that you had an hour-long conversation with a loved one or a friend?

Rekindle your deep conversational skills. Get back to laughing out loud for real. Remind people how your voice sound. Work out some details that can’t be accomplished through text. 

You can also make video calls, especially since you might not get to see some of your loved ones. Facetime, Zoom, and Skype, to name a few, are great platforms to help you stay connected to the social interaction you may be missing.

6. Structure Your Future Emergency Plan.

Before being urged to practice social distancing, many people were not prepared for an emergency. Forcing many people to rush to buy essential supplies. 

Now that we are in the midst of this health emergency, and we know how serious it is, it’s time to prepare for the future. We need to assess the areas where our emergency plans are lacking.

Do you have non-perishable food stored up? Do you have cleaning and disinfecting supplies? Do you have tissue?

How is your financial situation? Do you have a sufficient emergency fund? Do you have self-care options at home? Do you have activities to occupy your children and family daily?

Emergency plans aren’t things that we should consider once the emergency arises. So, let’s make it a habit to be prepared for the future. Start now based on the things that you are going through in your life.  

7. Learn a New Skill.

Leisure time is not only for entertainment. You can also use your social distancing time to learn a new skill. Resources like Youtube, online courses, and books can help you get started.

By using your time to learn a new skill, you could create new opportunities in your life. You might be able to offer a new service for your business. Take on a new business venture. Maybe even play an instrument.

The possibilities are endless with the number of free skills that are in books and online.

Get started with some DIY tutorials. You can find this on Pinterest or Google. Use old clothes or supplies to create new things. You could learn to cook new meals for your family on Youtube.

If you are into courses, you can learn whatever skill you are interested in. There are tons of blogs and course websites, like UDemy, that offer skill-based resources to get you started. 

8. Organize.

Social Distancing Ideas

Use your social distancing time to rearrange your space. Organizing your surroundings can alleviate stress in your life. Ultimately helping you to have a clear mind. There’s no reason you should be stuck in the house without being able to move around comfortably. Or have to look at things out of order. 

It will benefit you and your household to be able to find things when you need them. Try to create some space that will enhance the aura. Allowing you and your family to move freely, utilize all spaces, and to create systems. 

Now would be a good time to do some spring cleaning, create some donation bags, and to throw things away.

9. Build the Chemistry Between You and Your Family.

Social distancing may keep you from mingling with people but it will bring you closer to family. Not many people are used to being around their children or significant others constantly throughout the day. This could be due to work, daycare, and having different routines. 

As our schedules collide, people might find it a little stressful to be around their loved ones all day. However, this is a perfect time to ignite the chemistry between you and your family. 

Create some systems that make everyone comfortable. Make time to laugh and play. Make time to have serious family conversations. Teach your children a new skill. Dance. Go through old pictures and reminisce on good times. Create a family ritual. Start having game nights. Or simply just watch movies and enjoy each other’s company.

Whatever you do, don’t worry about stressing each other out. Focus on being grateful for each other’s presence. 

10. Speak Positively Over Your Life.

The world may seem like it’s crashing down around you. And maybe it is. However, while practicing social distancing don’t ride the negative wave. Speak positive affirmations over your life. 

You will get through this. You will be financially stable. You can become an entrepreneur if you want to. 

There is power in words. Please talk to yourself with love and respect at this time. Not only will it uplift your mood, but it will also influence the positive energy around you. 

Bonus: Help Where You Can.

Social Distancing and fear have caused vacancies in a lot of necessary positions. Volunteer positions are taking a hit right now. Although volunteering may put you near other people, if you are brave enough and have the time, you are needed. 

Some places that may need your time or donations include: 

Organizations in your community may be seeking volunteers as well. Be sure to check around through online searches, social media groups, co-workers, family, and friends for volunteer opportunities. Be brave and help if you can. 


Don’t let social distancing get you down. This time can be beautiful if you let it be. See opportunities in everything that’s around you. And gain inspiration from the people you are around as well. 

Whether you are learning a new skill or starting a new morning routine, you are the master of your faith. Coronavirus will not get the best of us. Make sure you can rise from this situation strong, rested, skilled, and positive. 

2020 is not a fail. We got this! Quest of Her Signature

What would you suggest that people do while practicing social distancing? 

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