The Best Self-Care Tips for Strong People

The Best Self Care Tips for Strong People 

Being strong comes with a mentally, physically, and emotionally draining price tag. The amount you pay in energy is priceless. That’s why self-care is so important. After holding yourself together, the people around you, and the weight of the world, what exactly do you have left?

You may be thinking that your answer is nothing. However, you are way too strong to have nothing left. What you have left is the right amount of energy to take care of yourself. 

Know that being the strong one doesn’t have to be a curse. You should honor that as a blessing by keeping yourself energized and prepared at all times. 

These are the best self-care tips for strong people, especially the ones who feel like quitting. 

For Mental Self-Care

Sit in Silence 

In a world where silence is hard to come by, sometimes you have to disconnect and listen to nothing. The sound of silence can help you calm down. 

Our minds are usually racing with our to-do lists, work, subconscious thoughts, and a ton of other things. This is why we need to seek silence. What we get from silence is a chance to organize our thoughts. Through organization comes clarity. 

Being able to clarify our thoughts allows us to connect with our intuition. Once connected, we can make clear decisions to keep us grounded and focused on positive energy.

You don’t need a lot of silence either. A 5-10 minute break with silence works wonders. 

Practice the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction occurs in our thoughts. What we believe, whether positive or negative, can manifest those experiences in our lives. So, when you practice the Law of Attraction you are in control of the situations you encounter. When you start to think negative thoughts, negative situations appear. When you start to think positive thoughts, positive situations appear. Simple as that. 

The Law of Attraction is vital to self-care because when you are feeling depleted you often think negative thoughts. You may start to believe that you want to quit. You may even think that you are not good enough.

If you ever start to have these thoughts, this is when the Law of Attraction matters the most. Start by thinking about what you want to accomplish. Then, see yourself being extremely successful in those areas.

Soon, you’ll be seeing positive results present themselves. Or, you’ll at least notice that you are feeling better and able to continue your journey. 

Seek Counseling

Releasing all of your burdens onto your friends and family can be draining for everyone involved. If you feel like you have made it to this point, but you still have things troubling you, it may be time to seek counseling. 

Through counseling, you can express yourself freely. Not to imply that expressing yourself to friends and family is limiting. However, you don’t want to mentally drain the people you love either. By seeking counseling, you set yourself up to release the things that are draining you, while preserving the positive energy in your daily relationships. 

Not only would you be keeping the positive energy alive in your relationships, but you’ll also be adding to it. Through counseling, you’ll be able to create and maintain the energy necessary to keep you in motion.

Interested in seeking counseling? Read this: The Most Valuable Lessons I Learned From Seeking Counseling

For Emotional Self-Care 

Listen to Music

Music was designed to help us manage different emotions. When you are sad, music consoles you. When you are happy, music energizes you. When you are in love, music put your feelings into words. Music is an all-around healer for every situation you may encounter.

Self-care through music brings healing to your mind, body, and soul. So when the day isn’t going your way, or your energy is lower than usual, turn on your favorite song. You can even try something new. Get something stuck in your head that will take your mind off of your tedious worries. Dance if you have to. Music will never let you down.


God sure was onto something when he gave us tear ducts. Crying allows us to use our tears for many reasons. Crying is convenient when you are sad, sleepy, frustrated, excited, shocked, and hungry. Without tears, how could we express some of those deep heartfelt emotions? It would probably be impossible. 

Sometimes, crying can reset our emotions. That’s why crying for self-care is so important. When your body is built-up with inexpressible emotions, crying may be the perfect way to relieve your body of whatever energy you are storing. 

Think about it. As kids, we understood the importance of crying. It was our favorite card to play for any situation. Somehow we knew that after we cried we would either get what we wanted or feel better. That was a win-win. 

At times, we lose sight of the importance of crying as adults because we are always trying to be strong. Yet, it okay to let your guard down sometimes. Tears make you stronger, not weaker. 

This may help as well: How to Stay On Track in 2020

For Physical Self-Care 


It’s comical that everything good for us either leads back to diet or exercise. Working out can be beneficial in incredible ways. One way is through releasing endorphins. These are chemicals that trigger positive feelings in our body. What better way to care for yourself than to make yourself feel good?

Self-care through exercise can also offset positive routines. Enabling you to start working out regularly, which can help you continue to feel and look good.

Exercise is also the perfect stress reliever. Helping to take your mind off of situations that consume your energy. 

Not to mention, you may be able to find silence through exercise as well. For instance, practicing yoga allows you to be quiet and calm. Try different exercise styles too. They all can aid your positive self-care regime. 

 Go to Sleep

I’m not sure who needs to hear this but GO TO SLEEP! We live during a time where getting less sleep than you need is glorified. Yet, sleep wouldn’t be a thing if our bodies didn’t truly need it. No matter what mode of hustling you are in, you need sleep. And not just any old sleep either. You need a good 7-8 hours (6 at least) of sleep to keep you focused during the day. 

Stop praising the practice of not getting enough rest. By not getting the proper amount of sleep, you allow for other problems to surface.

You may start to develop fatigue during times you need energy. You may begin to slack off in areas where you are needed most. You may even become sick or experience symptoms of depression from not getting enough sleep. 

Sleep is one of the most important components of self-care. If you are not well-rested, you probably won’t be able to stay consistent in anything you do.

Do yourself a favor and take care of yourself by getting enough rest.

For Spiritual Self-Care


Self-care through prayer can bring you clarity, peace, comfort, and fresh ideas. Prayer can reenergize you or redirect you when you are going down the wrong path. It can motivate you when you feel like everything you have tried is not working.

Prayer helps you build your faith. When you have faith, you can achieve anything you put your mind to. However, know that prayer means work as well. Just because you pray about something that doesn’t mean that it will manifest itself. You have to put in the necessary work to make your prayers come alive. 

At times that work may require more of your energy. That’s why it’s important to stay consistent with your prayers, even when things are going your way.


Try meditation. Channeling your focus on your goals, energy, and peace is a powerful form of self-care. Meditation can connect you to your intuition and help you manifest your dreams.

Meditation is best when done in a quiet place. You can be solo or with other interested people. It may be hard to do at first because your mind may be constantly racing with thoughts. Once you get used to focusing your energy during meditation, you should be able to focus on meditating for longer periods. 

If you can, you may want to dedicate a room in your home to meditation. You can design your environment in a way that enhances your experience. So, when you enter that space your body will be triggered to go into focus mode. 


 Although this list is not comprehensive, it includes some of the main areas that strong people either neglect or need to incorporate in their self-care routines.

As long as you are covering the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual categories, you should remain energized and ready to conquer anything. Know that your strength lies in taking care of yourself. And that being the strong one is a blessing.

So, sit in silence. Practice the Law of Attraction. Go to counseling if things get too tough. Uplift your mood with your favorite music. Cry if you have to. Exercise to increase your overall health. Go to sleep more often. Pray more often as well. If not, meditate.

Whatever you do, put yourself first. You deserve your strength as well.

What other self-care tips would you recommend to strong people?

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