7 Valuable Tips from The Unleashed Woman: 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference

7 Valuable Tips from The Unleashed Woman: 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to join amazing women to celebrate our strengths, interests, and business goals at The Unleashed Woman: 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference. This conference was masterfully executed by Veltra Taylor and Lindsey Vertner. These women represent the non-profit organization, The Unleashed Woman, which offers networking and empowerment events for Indiana and surrounding areas. 

I found out about this event during the summer and had been eagerly waiting for months to attend. Needless to say, I was not disappointed.

I am enlightened with knowledge, energized with passion, and empowered to succeed because of this conference. I am officially unleashed. 

Now, I realize that an unleashed woman is fearlessly goal-driven with a passion for achieving her dreams and bettering the people around her.

If you are interested in being an unleashed woman as well, here are some valuable tips from The Unleashed Woman: 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference. 

Tip #1: Don’t Be Afraid to Be First. Only. Different. (F.O.D.)

CEO of Owtspoken GIRL, Inc. and 2019 Miss Black Indiana USA, Angel McAllister jumped off the women’s conference by encouraging women to own their identity. This identity was a part of a girl’s code that she called F.O.D. The idea of being first, only, and/or different. 

Sometimes it is not easy to be the first one to blaze a trail. But blaze it anyway. Sometimes it may be hard to be the only person standing for a cause. However, stand anyway. You may be different from everyone around you but embrace your uniqueness. 

Being the First, Only, and/or Different individual means that you are capable of living a bold life. 

The life you live is up to you. You are in control. Just make sure you are not shying away from the responsibilities that come with being F.O.D.

Tip #2: Be a Goal Get-Her.

Founder of The EmpowHerment Daily Devotional, Destiney Gillespie lit a fire in all the women by encouraging them to be Goal Get-Hers. Her message brought life to the importance of setting short-term and long-term goals. 

Destiney detailed ways to stay focused and consistent toward your goals. The most important detail she referenced was to get rid of negative self-talk. Not only may you be fighting obstacles to get toward your goals, but you may also be fighting yourself. What you say to yourself becomes real and may manifest in results. You have to remind yourself that you are fearlessly and wonderfully made. That you are capable of conquering anything that you put your mind to. 

So, instead of being your biggest naysayer, become your biggest fan. Become a Goal Get-Her!

Tip #3: Don’t Sacrifice Your Lifestyle.

Founder and president of Cyrus Anointing Consulting, Felicia Kelly, who is primarily known for her faith-based brand Coaching Christians to Coins, was a powerful speaker at The Unleashed Woman’s conference. Her message was rooted in the power of taking control of your finances while holding on to the lifestyle you desire. 

Felicia successfully paid off $45,000 of debt without sacrificing the luxury lifestyle she loves. She stressed the importance of creating systems that work for your money. The idea that cash flow is king, instead of cash itself. 

We must be realistic about the life we live and want to live. If you love expensive handbags but you want to be conscious of your finances as well, how does that look? Does that mean you need to give up your love for handbags? No. However, you do need to start making plans for your lifestyle. Identifying ways to make your money work for your dreams and your reality. 

The reality is that your dream/desires are unique to you. And, once you start sacrificing them for change, you may begin to sacrifice other parts of yourself as well. Don’t sacrifice your emotions, style, family bond or anything else to change for the better. Instead, try maintaining your lifestyle through thorough planning and maximizing your income. 

Tip #4: Have a Morning Routine.

Entrepreneur and Modere Social Marketer, Kelly Kientzy, is a walking testimony of the power of rising after every time life puts you down. After 2 corporate layoffs, Kelly turned her trials into triumphs by becoming an entrepreneur. 

At The Unleashed Woman’s conference, Kelly spoke about the discipline you must have to go into business for yourself. She joked about the conscious decision she has to make to get up every morning and follow a routine, as opposed to staying in bed. 

She spoke about the importance of having a morning routine which includes four essential things:

  1. Making your bed. When you make your bed in the morning, you set yourself up to conquer the day. You also increase your chances of not returning to your neatly made bed. 
  2. Journaling. When you make time to journal, you can keep up with your thoughts and emotions over time. This is important for analyzing your goals and tracking progress toward them. 
  3. Reading. When you make time to read in the morning, you enable yourself to expand your knowledge and enhance your leadership style.
  4. Making time for exercise. When you make time in the morning for exercise, you ensure that it happens consistently. Also, you keep yourself healthy enough to deal with the fast pace lifestyle of your work/business. 

Tip #5: Be Grateful and Visualize the Life You Deserve.

Founder of She Who Rises, Rosa Rodriguez, spoke about the power of gratitude and visualization at The Unleashed Woman’s conference. After losing her father to cancer in 2014, she started living on purpose and inspiring other women to do the same. 

Rosa’s message about gratitude and visualization is essential to living your best life. Being thankful for the things, people, and circumstances that you have is the first step. Also, being thankful for the wonderful things and people you’ll encounter in the future. 

When you master the art of gratitude, you are ready to move forward to visualization. What we think can either make us better or worse. This is why you need to imagine how positive and fulfilling your future can be. By visualizing positive outcomes, we trick our brains into believing and manifesting favorable results. 

Remember to be grateful as you visualize your successful future. 

Tip #6 Connect with Yourself.

Dating & Relationship Coach, Carla Romo wowed the crowd with her message about connecting with your partner. She strongly emphasized that to have a connection with your partner, you must first connect with yourself. 

Carla paired her message about connecting with yourself to being vulnerable in the process. The process of being vulnerable allows for the changes you desire to take place. Being vulnerable is essential to you building a connection with your partner.

When we do not connect with ourselves, we run the risk of disconnecting from our partners. This leaves you vulnerable to behaviors or thoughts that could ruin your relationship. However, when you are honest with yourself, you encourage your partner to do the same. 

Be open to creating a connection with yourself, so that you can sustain a healthy relationship with your partner.  

Tip #7 Break Through and Manifest Your Destiny.

Founder of Lindsey Vertner LLC and Faithfully Fulfilled, Lindsey Vertner, also known as the Co-founder of The Unleashed Woman, drove many of the women to tears with her speech. Lindsey’s energetic speech empowered women to break through their fears and manifest their destiny. 

I was one of five women who volunteered for Lindsey’s demonstration for breaking through fears. She encouraged us to break through our fears towards our goals by writing them on a wooden board. We then used our passion and strength to chop the board in half, which symbolized our mental/physical obstacles. 

You can also break through the obstacles holding you back from your goals. You may be thinking that what you are doing is not enough or your progress is too slow. However, take Lindsey’s words of encouragement, “Progress is better than perfection.” 

As long as you are moving forward, you will be closer to your goals soon enough. Do not only focus on the big picture but also focus on the small gains you achieve as well. Soon you will be accomplishing your goals and moving towards new ones. 

*Bonus Tip* Founder of Living The Vows, Kristin Young took a break from emceeing the conference to remind women to communicate their truth. Be vulnerable with your partner by keeping communication honest. Do not let things build-up to a point that you explode on your partner and create negative energy between you two.

Ultimately, I wish words could express the energy that The Unleashed Woman’s 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference embodied. The inspiration that filled the room throughout the day was truly exhilarating. These valuable tips are a glimpse into a passion-filled journey of empowerment. 

From the speakers’ valuable tips, I hope that you are confident in unleashing your potential. Embrace being F.O.D. Go after your goals like a true Goal Get-Her. Don’t sacrifice your lifestyle, instead plan for your lifestyle. Get up every morning with a routine and work for your lifestyle. Make sure you are visualizing that lifestyle while being grateful for the one you already have. Remember to connect with yourself for the sake of your relationship. Yet, fearlessly breakthrough your fears and manifest the life you deserve. Become an Unleashed Woman

Do any of these tips reasonate with you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

2 thoughts on “7 Valuable Tips from The Unleashed Woman: 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference”

  1. Creating a morning routine is what resonated with me the most. I’m going to challenge myself moving forward to set a morning routine, but more importantly to make my bed! I struggle with actually getting outta bed and getting motivated, so this will be helpful to start my day better. Thanks for sharing!

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