You Got This, Sis! How to Fearlessly Achieve Your Goals

You Got This, Sis! How to Fearlessly Achieve Your Goals

There are so many women going after the things they love. Starting businesses. Completing multiple degrees. Getting promotions. The achievements are endless. To all you achieving women, please know that your energy is inspiring. Your actions are what keeps the world going.

As for all the women who are being inspired by these brave women, it’s time for you to go after yours too. Go get what’s yours. You got this!

I’m sure little voices are creeping in your head telling you conflicting messages. But you can do this. If you need an extra push, here you go. Below are the actionable steps you should be taking now that you are ready to go get yours. You got this!

Get Started!

Whatever it is that you want to do, you’ll never get there if you don’t start. You may have read several books about your topic. You may have watched countless hours of videos. You may even be a self-proclaimed expert. However, all that information is worthless if you do not apply it.

If your goal is to write a book, start with one sentence. Then, another one and another one. Soon, you’ll have a page. A page will turn into two pages. Two pages will turn into a chapter. Then, next thing you know one chapter has turned into an entire book.

Not sure what your goal is but I know it starts the same way every achievement begins. And that’s with the first move, step, paragraph, or any significant action you need to make your dream become a reality.

Everything that you have read and watched has prepared you for this moment. The best moment. Your first step toward your goal. Get started!

Work Through Negative Self-Talk.

Work Through the Negativity

Once you are going after your goals, your mind may start to play tricks on you. Telling you your dreams are too big. Telling you you don’t have enough resources. After a while, your mind may even try to convince you that what you are striving for is impossible.

Well, guess what? Any negativity crossing your mind is wrong. You got this!

Make sure to block out those negative voices in your head by redirecting your energy to your work. Be so busy working on your goal that once you hear those negative voices they don’t stick around long. Give those negative voices no room to grow in your head and sabotage your dreams.

Every time you hear a negative voice make one action toward achieving your goal. Use your negative thoughts as a trigger to fuel your hard work.

Make Your Goal a Part of Your Routine.

To keep the momentum going toward your goal, you have to squeeze working on it into your daily schedule. If you are a morning person, take action in the morning. If you are an evening person, take action in the evening. You may have to pull some late nights just to cram in some work. That’s okay.

Just make sure you are making your goal a regular part of your life. The more you make your goal a part of your schedule, the more habitual your work toward the goal will be.

When you make your work become a part of your routine, achieving becomes a part of who you are.

Get an Accountability Partner.

It’s not enough to hold yourself accountable. You have to enlist someone else to keep you focused. This person will be your accountability partner. Their job is to hold you to the original standards you set for yourself when you decided to go after what you wanted.

Sometimes we may find ourselves slipping on our discipline. We may even contemplate quitting but not with an accountability partner. Whoever you choose to hold you accountable will be there to remind you to keep going. To encourage you when you don’t have the energy to move forward.

Having someone there to remind you of your promises to yourself is crucial. Achieving your goal will be that much easier when you have someone else rooting for you.

Incorporate Your Uniqueness.

Be You

Some people leap out on faith to accomplish their goals. While others gain the confidence to start by studying and learning other people’s journey. That’s fine.

However, other’s people journeys are missing one thing… what you have to offer.

There is only one you. There will never be another. That alone puts you at an advantage to achieve your goals. Honing in on who you are and pairing it with your research will push you closer to your dreams.

Your uniqueness is what will set you apart from everyone else. You don’t have to keep searching for inspiration. Just be you.

Use who you are to make your goal a reality. Incorporate your personality into your book, clients’ hairstyles, blog posts, cleaning service, daycare, or whatever it is you plan to achieve.

Let your uniqueness shine all over your accomplishments.

All in all, you got this, sis! Don’t let anyone or anything deter you from getting what’s yours. Get started! Ignore all negativity, especially negative self-talk. Make sure you are working your goal into your daily routine. In case you are not, get you an accountability partner to remind and encourage you. Just be sure to add your unique stamp throughout the process.

What are some actions that you are taking to achieve your goals? Share them in the comments.

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