Where Do We Go From Here? The Rest of 2020

Is 2020 over? Many people are curious about how the rest of 2020 will look. As many of us made big plans for 2020 to be our year of greatness. The year that would solidify a successful decade.

Meanwhile, this decade began rocky. Now we are at a point where baby showers are being canceled. Schools are being proposed. Businesses are experiencing a financial crisis. 

Due to COVID-19, the U.S. has seen a record number of its citizens apply for unemployment, totaling 6.6 million applicants. 

However, COVID-19 is not just a U.S. problem. The effects are so great across the world that this post alone couldn’t highlight all the issues. Yet, let’s highlight the obvious… Where Do We Go From Here?

Is 2020 over? Should we throw away the whole year and hope for the best in 2021?

The short is NO!

2020 is not over. I’ve already vowed that 2020 would have to drag me out kicking and screaming before I give up on this year. 

With that being said, we do need to get a hold on where the rest of 2020 is going. Here’s are some ideas to help you shape the rest of your 2020:

Make a Plan.

Before all the chaos began, many of us were having vision board parties in December. We were so focused on having 2020 be our year to win. Somehow we knew that if we wanted to be successful we needed to start with a game plan.

Fast-forward to 2020, now we’re here and life is turning upside down as we know it. While those plans that we so wonderfully crafted are sending us back to the drawing board. 

Instead of being defeated, go back to the drawing board with an open mind. Look at your goals from the beginning of the year.

How much progress have you made? How has COVID-19 affected your goals? Do you need to readjust your plans? Have you accomplished your goals and need to add some new ones?

You don’t have to cancel your goals for 2020. They may just need a little adjusting. Now is the time to move forward through planning. The rest of 2020 will depend on what you plan for. 

5 Questions You Should Answer in 2020

Decide What You Do Have Control Over. Then, Take Control. 

Although everything may seem out of your control, there is always something that you have control over. Your job is to discover what you can do where you are with what you have. 

Unfortunately due to social distancing, you may not be able to move like you are accustomed to. Meaning that you may not get to host events, network in person, or go to your favorite self-care locations.

However, some things are still within your power. Whether that is in the area of family, fitness, finance, education, or networking. You have control somewhere. 

First, identify the areas where you are thriving. Then continue doing your best in those areas. 

Second, identify your areas of need. What must you accept in those areas? Is there anything within your power that you can change in those areas? Do you have any resources or people who can help you?

As the saying goes, “If there is a will, there is a way.” Your job is to be willing to find that way and take control. The rest of your 2020 depends on how well you identify what you can control and then do it.

10 Things to Do While Social Distancing

Establish a Morning Routine. 

Afternoons are the new mornings for some people. Maybe because some people are finally getting the overdue rest that they need. On the other hand, some people are turning to sleep to mask their problems.

Unfortunately, sleeping late for the sake of sleeping late will not handle your problems.

By all means, rest when you are tired. However, don’t give up on your routines, especially your morning routines. 

According to Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life: Before 8 am:

“How you wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days—which inevitably create a successful life—in the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life. By simply changing the way you wake up in the morning, you can transform any area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible.”

I can relate to Hal’s words, as my morning routine has been setting the pace for my day. Ultimately giving me the control over how I want my day to go. I’ve been able to choose my attitude and direct my focus. To my surprise, I’ve been able to consistently squeeze in exercise as well. 

You can benefit from having a morning routine too. There’s nothing fancy to it. Wake up a little bit early. Then, incorporate the things that matter most to you. Whether that is meditation, exercise, or simply sitting silence. 

Remember, morning routines are a unique process. Do what’s best for you. Create a morning routine that will set you up for success. One that will keep you motivated and moving forward with your goals for the rest of 2020.  

Learn Two New Things. One for Health. The Other for Finances. 

The two major areas that are making people skeptical about the future are health and finances. Many people are worried that either they will catch the Coronavirus, encounter some financial hardship, or both.

This doesn’t have to be your fate for the rest of 2020. That’s why it’s important to learn something new concerning health and finances.  

In terms of health, you can learn to cook new healthy recipes. It’s extremely important at this time that you have a healthy immune system. You could also learn some new techniques to practice for your mental health. Whether that is reciting daily affirmations or journaling. Find something that will keep your mental health strong so that you can be hopeful for the rest of 2020.

As for finances, now is a time for saving and multiplying. Learn to effectively budget and save. Especially when it comes to emergency funds. COVID-19 took a lot of people by surprise, as many people didn’t have an emergency fund. A good place to start learning about emergency funds and getting your finances in order is at: DaveRamsey.com

If by chance your finances are together, great for you. However, there is always more to learn. Good skills to learn that can enhance your financial situation include coding, social media marketing, creating digital products, or dropshipping.

The options are endless for bettering your financial situation for the rest of 2020. Get out there and start learning. 

Step Up Your Social Game.  

Social distancing has brought all the usual ways that most people connect with others to a halt. However, there is an upside to this. Although you may not be able to go to your favorite restaurant or the mall, that doesn’t mean that your social life is over. 

Let’s get back to some of the old ways of socializing. For instance, what about a good three-way call? I know a lot of people have forgotten that their phone even has this feature. 

Or how about a video conference call with your loved one? The beauty in video conference calls is that it doesn’t have to be just for loved ones. You can schedule some time to network and brainstorm with other like-minded people. 

You could also step up your social media game. Participate in some challenges. Learn how to use different platforms to connect with people all around the world. 

Keep your social game up! Spend the rest of 2020 creating new ways to make your presence known. 

Collaborate and Network. 

Humans are truly resilient. We always find a way to come out on top of whatever difficult situation. While the Coronavirus pandemic has created some significant chaos, many people are thriving during this time. 

Now is an opportune time to strategize with other people who are in the same headspace as you are. Bring your ideas to life with other people who share your drive and passion.

If you haven’t done so, now is the perfect time to reach out to people in your network. Or even to grow your network. With this being a digital world, the beauty is that this can be achieved electronically.

Pull together your resources with as many people as possible. Create a tribe of people who are willing to direct the rest of 2020 toward positivity and success with you.

Check Your Privilege. Help Others. 

Unfortunately, many people don’t have the luxury of doing a lot of the things I mentioned. As their lifestyles and circumstances are different in ways that most people don’t have to deal with. 

Furthermore, privilege blinds many of us to how good we got it at times. Especially when we think the worst thing we are being urged to do is stay home in social isolation. While other people don’t have a home to be isolated in. 

It’s time to open our eyes, and check our privilege. Not saying that it’s something you should be ashamed of but aware. Grateful if anything. 

If by chance you can help other people who are experiencing a tough time, please do so. The only way we will get through the rest of 2020 is together. A problem for one is a problem for all. 

The rest of 2020 will require that we lift each other with positive words, gestures, and love. 


So, is 2020 over? Not until they drag us out kicking and screaming. 2020 belongs to those who plan for greatness. Daring to take control over whatever areas they can with whatever resources they have available. Those who are willing to create morning routines to set the tone for every day. Further energizing them to learn new skills to better their health and financial situations. Giving them the courage to step up their social game and collaborate with other like-minded individuals. All while checking their privilege and extending love and gratitude to those less fortunate. 

The rest of 2020 will not be easy but it will be worth it. You have the power to shape your experience. You got this!Quest of Her Signature

What is your plan for the rest of 2020? Comment below.

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