Why Women Need to Stand Up for Themselves

One thing about growing up in a rough area, you learn to stand up for yourself. Being born and raised in Gary, Indiana is where I learned the power of standing up for myself. This power has opened many doors for me and has helped me through several situations. 

I’ve been able to navigate tough times, communicate my thoughts, and advocate for others by standing up for myself. 

People like to think that growing up in the “hood” is such a disadvantage to the people who had to endure that lifestyle. Yet, growing up in that type of environment is responsible for so many great people that we quote and admire today. Those individuals dared to stand up for themselves and rise above their environment. 

It pains me to see people who miss opportunities because they don’t dare to stand up for themselves. Especially women. 

My goal is to help women understand the power that they possess by being unapologetically courageous. To have the audacity to stand for themselves no matter what. 

It’s time to start standing up for yourselves, ladies. Here’s why:

To Make a Difference in the World.

Change requires that we have courage. Without courage, we make a way for more chaos to come into the world. Your bravery saves the world from inheriting more crap. It has enough of that. 

By standing up for yourself, you can create change that impacts more than just you. You can change issues that affect your community, family, and the future of humanity. Think about it. Everything worth talking about starts with people standing up for themselves. 

Let’s take it back to when 15-year-old Claudette Colvin, took a stand almost a year before Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her seat on a bus. Although Colvin was not publicized as the face of the movement, by standing up for herself she definitely started the conversation. A conversation that led to a movement, which influenced change.

Just like Colvin and Parks, our goals must be to stand strong for ourselves. Through our strength, we create opportunities for others. This can lead to better opportunities and rights for everyone. So don’t be afraid to stand for something, you never know how impactful your actions may be.

Ready to make a change? Read This!

To Negotiate for Better Finances or Terms.

When it comes to finances and quality of life, standing up for yourself is crucial. With there already being a wage gap between men and women, women must stand up for themselves when it comes to negotiating. And if they do decide to take a stand, they have to do it confidently.

According to Duke University professor, Dr. Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, women often ask for less when they are negotiating salary. She stated that the reason was based on the fact that women receive more pushback and are viewed as being pushy and less likable.

It’s not your job to manage other people’s stereotypes. Especially when it comes to securing your future. Being stereotyped comes with the territory of standing up for yourself. You can be pushy, or whatever else someone might view you as. Still, don’t miss your opportunity to express your worth. 

Employers expect you to negotiate. Know that you are not being too pushy when you are negotiating your finances and terms. What you are doing is standing up for your future self. 

By having the courage to negotiate, you also contribute to decreasing the wage gap between men and women. Your actions could also influence other women to negotiate their finances. Further, empowering other women to stand up and express their worth. 

Other Women and Young Girls are Watching You

We may think that our influence is not widespread. When in reality, we have other women and girls who are looking to us to lead the way. When you stand up for yourself, you stand up for women and girls everywhere.

The world can never have too many strong women. That’s why your actions always mean something. Maybe your daughter is watching you. Maybe your nieces are watching you. Women at your job could be watching you. Even the people that you least expect might be looking to you for strength. 

When you stand up for yourself, you never know who could be getting inspiration from you. Yet, when you don’t stand up for yourself, you might encourage other women and girls to cower when it’s their turn to take a stance. 

Always stand up for yourself, even when no one is watching, because chances are another woman or young girl is. 

Click here to read about 7 incredible women who knew the power of their influence.

To Prevent Harm from Happening or Spreading

As women, some of us hide the things that happen to us out of fear or embarrassment. Simply thinking that we are the only ones dealing with a specific problem. The truth is we are all fighting our own battles and have a lot in common.

By standing up for yourself, you can free yourself from harmful secrets. Know that your silence is hindering your growth and could be putting someone else in danger. 

Although what we go through is unique, it is not new. Standing up for ourselves prevents other people from enduring the same pain. 

Speaking out against your abuser can save another woman’s life. Advocating for issues that affect your community, can ensure that the new generation doesn’t inherit the same problems. Or simply having the courage to say “NO”, without explanation, is enough. 

No longer can you be timid about consent. No more can we remain silent enough to let abusive people live in peace. Take a stand and live in power. Know that by standing up for yourself, you can save other people from enduring unnecessary pain. You are not alone. 

To Fulfill Your Purpose

Each one of us has a divine purpose on this earth. You have to find out what that purpose is and execute it. Once you figure out what your purpose is, you have to stand against anything that hinders you from fulfilling it.

To live a life running away from your purpose is a waste of time. This is exactly what women do when they are ignoring their intuition to take action. Procrastinating on their gifts because they are too afraid to stand up for themselves. 

No one is coming to fulfill your purpose for you. They much rather that you stay down and out of the game so that there isn’t more competition. However, you were born to compete. Stand up for yourself, and take action. 

Don’t listen to people when they say you can’t do things. Stand up to them with your actions. Show the world that you are a force to be reckoned with. The people who care for you are waiting for what you have to offer. While your naysayers are expecting you to stay inactive. Prove negative people wrong by doing what you were born to do. 

Do you need help identifying your purpose? Click here!

Because You are Assumed to be Weak

People try to flex their dominance when they assume that you are weak. The most misleading stereotype is that women are weak. In fact, we are so strong that we were chosen to give life to other strong men and women. 

Despite our God-giving strength, we often lose sight of the power that we possess. Making us susceptible to the perceived notion of weakness. By standing up for ourselves, we banish stereotypes that promote that we are weak.

Allowing us to reconnect with our power, which enables us to be strong in all of our actions. To take on roles that people presume we can not do. Exceeding expectations, and defying the limits placed upon us.

Resist the urge to give life to the stereotypes that women are weak. Instead, give life to the fact that we are powerful beyond measure. Have the courage to stand up against anyone or anything that tries to test your strength.

Whether you are in the board room, starting a business, or protesting, let it be known that your strength is undeniable by standing strong for yourself. 

Learn the best self-care tips for strong people by clicking here!


Ultimately, women were made to stand up for themselves. It’s such a tragedy to see women not exercise the power that they possess. The power to led and take a stand. The world needs you to stand up for yourself to create change. You can do this by negotiating the best terms for your financial future. The techniques that you use may influence women who are watching you. Also, when you stand up for yourself, you save other people from enduring pain. In turn, you fulfill your purpose and eliminate the stereotype that women are weak. Show the world how strong women are by standing up for yourself.

Why else should women stand up for themselves?

2 thoughts on “Why Women Need to Stand Up for Themselves”

  1. This is such a powerful and inspiring article. It perfectly sums up what women all over the world need to hear. As the mother of two daughters, i know I need to live Nia’s words on a deep level and show my girls how to do the same. Even strong women need to be reminded to stand in our truth and stay on our purpose when the world wants us to give ourselves away and always “be nice”. Thank you goddess Nia! Please keep writing!

    1. Thank you sooo much Emily for your kind words. Continue to stand in your power for your daughters and self-worth. You are important, appreciated and more than capable of standing strong, even in times when it does not seem possible. Thank you so much again!

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