Often we try to wait until we are healed 100% before we can begin a task. As if the perfect energy, mentality, physical appearance, organization, and a long list of other things ever align.

Then, we usually top it with, “I’m going to start on Monday.” Raise your hand if you ever actually started *insert goal* on Monday. 

I can feel the wind from all the hands rising. 

The truth is: the only day we can count on is today.  

It is our hope for tomorrow that makes us lazy today and hesitant to take action. 

It has taken me a little over a year to realize that healing is an ongoing process.

There is no completion day to becoming the best version of your healed self. Every day that we are alive is a process of developing into a happier, healthier human.

We do not need to be complete to compete.

For our competition is not someone else. Yet, our competition is the person that we were yesterday. 

And the prize for outgrowing your old self is the healing you bring to the world through who you are becoming. 

In this post, you will learn about the five benefits of beginning while you are progressing through your healing journey. 

1. You Get to Heal and Be Productive

Experiencing something painful can stop you in your tracks. Completely disrupting your energy to continue working toward your goals. 

I experienced this first-hand when I took a break from blogging. My mind was too cloudy to find the words to write. Life was coming at me too fast to organize and produce content. I was exhausted.

The thought of preaching to my audience about all the positive things in life drifted away from me. 

How could I motivate others and be broken myself?

Then, I realized that there was no end date for my healing process. If I was waiting to feel 100% that could take years.

So, the best thing to do was to show up and detail my growth and lessons learned. 

I learned that you can still be in progress on your healing journey, while still producing results.

No one is expecting you to be perfect, yet people are expecting you to show up. This may give others the courage to show up for themselves. 

You receive instant gratification from seeing the results of your hard work. This can be very powerful for boosting your healing journey. It’s like a win-win for yourself and your goals.

2. Things Shift in Your Favor Without You Noticing

Our challenging moments in life usually aren’t the result of a single decision. Yet, they are a collective unit of mini decisions that contribute to our problems. 

This often makes us seem as if terrible random events hit us out of nowhere. When it is our many decisions returning to visit us. 

Fortunately, the series of poor decisions we make to contribute to our bad luck can be reversed and used for our healing. 

It’s amazing how a lot of little positive decisions can lead up to major wins in your life. 

For me, those little decisions started in therapy. 

Every two weeks for a year, I returned to cry and complain about the issues plaguing me emotionally. Each time I showed up, I thought, “what’s the point of this? This hurts and this will always hurt.”

But as time went on I realized I felt better and better. Yet, I could not pinpoint why.

One day, I just decided that it still hurts if I focus on it but my focus is no longer in that place. I had slowly but surely worked my way out of a place of despair. Which led to a place of sunshine. 

Yes, my healing was far from over but my little decisions in the right direction made me feel as if I was closer to my healed self than I was to my pain. 

As you continue to work on your healing and focus on positive energy, slowly but surely you reap the benefits of your healing seamlessly. 

3. You Get to Enjoy the Journey, instead of Stressing about the Destination

If you want to add a couple more years to your healing journey, focus on the destination. 

We often spend too much time focusing on when we will finally be healed. So much so, that we neglect the present moment and efforts we are making. This results in stress and devaluing our achievements when we finally do excel.

Contrary to popular belief, healing is not a destination. 

It’s a journey of developing into the ever-changing person you are becoming.

As long as you live you will continue to fight battles that leave behind wounds and scars. Some wounds will heal faster than others. While some wounds will remain open until the day you die. 

However, the beauty is in focusing on the journey through the battles. 

Because life doesn’t pause to let you bandage your wounds, instead it punches you when you are not looking. 

So, focusing on the destination is the quickest way to get punched because your guards are down. 

Yet, if you are healing you are focused on right now. Ready to dodge all the unnecessary drama coming your way. While alleviating the pressure around the future, and enjoying the present moment. 

4. You Don’t Get Stuck in a Broken Place

When you are hurting, it can feel like your life has been broken into a million pieces. As you try to put those pieces back together, you can experience more pain.

Some people get stuck in a cycle of trying to put themselves back together. With the goal being to restore themselves to the person they were before they experienced the painful setback. 

Honestly, that person isn’t returning.

Furthermore, even if you restored yourself, you might not prefer that person over the person you have become. 

It is through our healing process we begin to appreciate our transformation. We don’t get stuck crying over spilled milk. We get busy pouring milk into new glasses. 

We become so wrapped up in healing ourselves that we work our way out of dark places. Giving us the strength to create new things and meet new people.

Are you in a dark place? Try counseling. Here are: The Most Valuable Things I learned From Seeking Counseling

5. You Don’t Miss Out on All Opportunities 

When I was in a low place, I turned down so many opportunities. I felt as if I was not good enough to take advantage of those opportunities because of where I was mentally and emotionally. 

In some cases, it was in my best interest to turn down certain opportunities. However, turning down some opportunities was an excuse to live in my pain. 

I felt that I need to be completely healed to take advantage of certain opportunities.

Now, I know that it is best to be healed enough. All you need is enough healing to point you in the right direction. 

In return, you build courage, work ethic, and the motivation to keep showing up for yourself. 

Before you know it, you are completing tasks, achieving goals, and working on the next opportunity. All while, progressing through your healing journey. 


You do not need to be healed 100% before you can begin anything. It’s okay to be a work in progress. We’re all dealing with who we are becoming versus who we used to be. 

Therefore, we benefit from doing the hard work of going through unique healing journeys. 

We get to achieve great things and still be flawed. We get to experience the bliss of the present, instead of worrying about the future. 

Then, randomly, things seem to get better when we take baby steps in the right direction. Allowing us to confidently take advantage of opportunities we otherwise would have turned down or missed. 

Most importantly, as we work on ourselves, we resist the urge to become trapped in a dark place. 

So begin today. Your healing will always be pending… unique perfection. 

What is the greatest benefit you experienced while working through your healing process?

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